
About SPKN

The sport industry evolves quickly and continuously. Access to quality, research-backed, highly essential information is more vital today than ever before. SPKN, the Sport Professional Knowledge Network, is a 501c3 non-profit organization that provides accurate, curated sport knowledge that enhances sport. SPKN provides instant access to an extensive library of original peer-reviewed sport-related content, which includes professional interviews, podcast episodes, research briefs, articles, sample plans, and programs, as well as industry connections and discussions. Covering everything from sport coaching to sport parenting and athlete safety to global social issues, SPKN provides information, education and collaboration you can trust.

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Our Mission Statement

At SPKN, our mission is to elevate sport leadership by providing the essential knowledge, programming and tools necessary for developing today’s athletes in a holistic manner – mentally, physically, and emotionally. 

We recognize the critical role coaches play in shaping the lives of young athletes, often spending more time with them than teachers or even parents during crucial developmental stages. Our goal is to bridge the significant deficiency in formalized coaching education, ensuring that every coach is equipped to both enhance athletic performance and nurture well-rounded, healthy and resilient individuals.

SPKN is the playbook every coach needs. Our comprehensive suite of programs, including the SPKN Sport Knowledge Center, SPKN Academy, and SPKN Events, is designed to transform ordinary coaches into extraordinary mentors. Our 6 Pillar Sport Leadership Development Framework emphasizes interdisciplinary growth, empowering coaches to prioritize athletes’ physical, mental and emotional well-being to help them win both on and off the field. 

Our vision is to create a world where every coach is not only a game-changer but a life-changer. By equipping coaches with the right tools and training, we aim to enhance the entire sport coaching landscape, and thus help make a lasting, a lasting impact on athletes’ lives. As we continue to grow and gain recognition, we remain committed to our mission of ensuring that every coach has the opportunity to be not just good, but great.

Our Vision

To achieve transformational change for the whole human athlete.

Our Values

We believe that:      

  • At the core of superior and inspired sport performance is a balanced, fully developed athlete.
  • A better world of sport, led by integrity, diversity, equity, and inclusion, in all its practices, will make our athletes, and industry stronger.
  • Sport has the potential to affect positive change in the lives of individuals, communities, and societies when led by adults who have the ability to harness its power effectively.

How You Can Help

SPKN is a mission-driven non-profit organization inspired by a vision to give all sport industry professionals access to the high-quality professional development they need to develop the whole human athlete.

As such, SPKN is entirely dependent on the generosity of individual donors, corporations, and foundations. SPKN seeks financial support to help it dramatically increase its visibility among sport professionals and scholars, grow content, and deliver high-quality resources to everyone in the field, irrespective of financial means. The SPKN budget reflects our commitment as we invite you to invest in our mission. Please join us.
